Goods Exchange

Goods Exchange


  • Buildings:


  • Buildings:

Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

  • Cost: 3300
  • +800 to wealth from commerce in this province
  • +5 per turn to town growth from commerce within this province
  • Enables recruitment of Rank 1 junsatsushi

Clan Effects

  • Each economy chain building enables you to sustain one additional junsatsushi (to a maximum of 5)


Unlike rice, wealth is not found in every bowl.

A goods exchange adds significantly to a province's wealth. Merchants, traders and craftsmen can specialise, and buy or produce in bulk making their wares more profitable. It is the ability to specialise and find a market for your works that allows great craftsmen to flourish. A single very rich patron can create his own personal market for craftsmen, of course, but a marketplace with many customers is more profitable and stable in the long run. After all, the death of a lordly patron means the money and trade he created disappears. It takes a significant disaster to wipe out a complete province full of customers! Market forces in the form of the natural aspirations of people to want better, nicer things soon bring wealth.