- Buildings:
- Arts:
- Resources:
Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)
Clan Effects
- Improves the rate at which all arts are mastered: +20%
A gentleman is a lesson to others.
A Confucian academy aims to improve its students by teaching a philosophical system that embraces political, ethical, moral, and even religious elements. The teachings of Confucius give the students a deep understanding of the world, and greatly aid the development of the arts in the process. The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-478 BC) is one of the most influential figures in world history. Confucian teachings are, at heart, optimistic and humane, holding that men can be taught and made better by their own efforts. There is an emphasis on honesty and righteousness, at all levels of society, and towards all others in society. Confucianism holds that a ruler should act correctly towards his subjects; in turn the social elite were expected to behave with benevolence and to set a good example for the rest of society. It is not particularly egalitarian, but then such an idea would probably have been inconceivable at the time. Confucianism did, however, have an appeal across much of Asia, including Japan; its emphasis on righteousness and honesty meshed with much of the best elements of the samurai ethos in bushido.