Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)
- Cost: 11000
- +5 per turn to town growth from industrial buildings within this province
- +2000 to wealth generated by industrial buildings in this province
- -2 to happiness from modernisation
Clan Effects
- +4 to modernisation (clan development)
A loom can weave the story of the past.
A silk manufactory significantly adds to the wealth of a province, and helps industry to grow, but access to silk is obviously required before it can be built. As a traditional material and craft process, silk adds to the traditionalist outlook of a province's population. Only one manufactory may be built. Mass production of silk fabrics tends to be a craft activity carried out on a grand scale, with many weavers working on many looms. Machine-made silks, while all very fine, lack the subtleties and refinement of handmade cloth. In the mid-19th Century, such silks would have been the height of modernity in Europe, and therefore shunned by those who valued tradition and the "old ways".