Unit Experience
As a unit fights and survives battles, it gains experience points that improve its ability to deal with future combat situations. Their first experience level is gained by taking 25% casualties, regardless of the number of kills made. Amongst other things, experience increases morale, so an experienced unit is then less likely to break and run from battle when under stress and fatigue. Generals also gain experience points upon successful conclusion of a battle that can be used to choose useful military skills for them.

Experience Level One
Achieving level 1 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+1 to melee attack
+1 to melee defence
+2 to missile reload skill
+1 to morale
+2 to missile accuracy

Experience Level Two
Achieving level 2 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+2 to melee attack
+2 to melee defence
+4 to missile reload skill
+1 to morale
+4 to missile accuracy

Experience Level Three
Achieving level 3 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+3 to melee attack
+2 to melee defence
+6 to missile reload skill
+2 to morale
+6 to missile accuracy

Experience Level Four
Achieving level 4 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+4 to melee attack
+3 to melee defence
+8 to missile reload skill
+3 to morale
+8 to missile accuracy

Experience Level Five
Achieving level 5 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+4 to melee attack
+5 to melee defence
+10 to missile reload skill
+3 to morale
+10 to missile accuracy
-1 to fatigue

Experience Level Six
Achieving level 6 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+5 to melee attack
+5 to melee defence
+12 to missile reload skill
+4 to morale
+12 to missile accuracy
-1 to fatigue

Experience Level Seven
Achieving level 7 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+6 to melee attack
+6 to melee defence
+14 to missile reload skill
+4 to morale
+14 to missile accuracy
-2 to fatigue

Experience Level Eight
Achieving level 8 Unit Experience improves the following statistics:
+6 to melee attack
+7 to melee defence
+16 to missile reload skill
+5 to morale
+16 to missile accuracy
-2 to fatigue

Experience Level Nine
Achieving level 9 unit experience improves the following statistics:
+7 to melee attack
+7 to melee defence
+18 to missile reload skill
+6 to morale
+18 to missile accuracy
-3 to fatigue
Ship Experience
Experience for ship crews works in the same way as it does for units, except that when a ship is unable to continue fighting - either due to surrender, routing or its destruction - all remaining experience points that its crew might have earned are instead split between the ships it was in combat against.

Experience Level One
Achieving level 1 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+1 to melee defence
+5 to missile reload skill
+2 to missile accuracy
+1 to morale

Experience Level Two
Achieving level 2 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+2 to melee defence
+10 to missile reload skill
+4 to missile accuracy
+1 to morale

Experience Level Three
Achieving level 3 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+3 to melee defence
+10 to missile reload skill
+6 to missile accuracy
+2 to morale

Experience Level Four
Achieving level 4 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+4 to melee defence
+15 to missile reload skill
+8 to missile accuracy
+2 to morale

Experience Level Five
Achieving level 5 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+5 to melee defence
+15 to missile reload skill
+10 to missile accuracy
+3 to morale

Experience Level Six
Achieving level 6 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+6 to melee defence
+20 to missile reload skill
+12 to missile accuracy
+3 to morale

Experience Level Seven
Achieving level 7 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+7 to melee defence
+20 to missile reload skill
+14 to missile accuracy
+4 to morale

Experience Level Eight
Achieving level 8 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+8 to melee defence
+25 to missile reload skill
+16 to missile accuracy
+4 to morale

Experience Level Nine
Achieving level 9 ship experience improves the following statistics:
+9 to melee defence
+25 to missile reload skill
+18 to missile accuracy
+5 to morale
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