Shell Types
There are five types of shot that can be used by ships, coastal defences and field artillery pieces. On the battlefield you can vary the shot type used with the buttons that appear alongside abilities above the battle review panel. The four shot types are:
Solid Shot Shell – This is the default projectile for ships. It has a cast iron shell that doesn't contain explosives, but still has the power to penetrate wooden hulls, although with only average accuracy.
Explosive Shell – This is a high explosive shell that is extremely good for penetrating the hulls of wooden ships or already-depleted crews. Although it is a low accuracy weapon with a small area of effect, it is still the perfect shell for firing at densely-packed clusters of ships.
Armour-piercing Shell – This is a high velocity armour-piercing shell that can easily penetrate the hulls of iron-plated ships. It is less powerful than an explosive shell but more accurate.
Advanced Armour-piercing Shell – This is a high velocity armour-piercing shell that is also highly explosive. It is effective when fired at all hull types, even ironclads.
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Torpedoes are shells launched from tubes mounted on the deck of ironclad ships. They are a medium-sized projectile that, when fired, will head in the direction the ship is facing and then explode on contact.